Cigar by E-Cigara
Searching for a vape juice blend that mimics the taste of a premium cigar? You’re in luck! This meticulously crafted e-liquid is a homage to the timeless allure of a finely rolled cigar, offering a bold tobacco flavor that’s both rich and satisfying. Designed for enthusiasts who appreciate the finer things, Cigar by E-Cigara brings the distinguished cigar experience into the convenient and modern world of vaping.
At the heart of Cigar by E-Cigara is its primary flavor: Bold Tobacco. This isn’t your run-of-the-mill tobacco taste; it’s a carefully formulated blend that captures the essence of premium cigars. The 30ml bottle ensures you have enough of this exquisite flavor to last through many sessions, each delivering a consistent and enjoyable experience. The e-liquid’s 50/50 VG/PG ratio strikes the perfect balance between throat hit and vapor production, making every puff as satisfying as the last.
Moreover, Cigar by E-Cigara is available in a salt nicotine strength of 20mg, catering to both newcomers and seasoned vapers. This nicotine level is ideal for those who prefer a smoother throat hit without compromising on the intensity of the flavor. The salt nicotine formula also allows for quicker absorption, satisfying nicotine cravings more efficiently and making it a great choice for those looking to switch from traditional cigarettes to a better alternative.
Cigar by E-Cigara is more than just an average tobacco flavor, it’s an experience. Whether you’re a long-time vaper or someone curious about the vaping culture, this e-liquid offers a taste of luxury that’s hard to find elsewhere. Its bold tobacco flavor, ideal nicotine strength, and balanced VG/PG ratio make it a versatile choice for any occasion.
- Manufactured by E-Cigara
- Blend of Tobacco
- VG/PG Ratio of 50/50
- Available In 20mg Salt Nicotine
- 1 x 30mL Bottle of Cigar by E-Cigara
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